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Yan Kwok
Flute Studio
Professional Hong Kong Violin Teacher
Private Violin Lesson Hong Kong
美國奧伯林學院 Oberlin College Conservatory of Music, OH, U.S.
美國耶魯大學小提琴演奏碩士Yale University School of Music, CT, U.S.
明尼蘇達州管弘樂團Minnesota Orchestra
康乃狄克州New Haven Symphony
澳門樂團Macao Orchestra - First Violin & Principal 2nd Violin
香港城市室樂團Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra - Principal 2nd Violin
馬勒樂團 Gustav Mahler Orchestra - Concertmaster
中國香港青年交響樂團China Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra - Associate Concertmaster
Masters Concerto and Aria Competition (Kenwood Symphony)獲得冠軍
Maddy Award for outstanding violinist 獲得冠軍
出生於美國明尼蘇達州明尼阿波利斯市,自九歲開始受小提琴老師 TaiChi,Robin Chen所啓蒙學習小提琴。
其後, 他分別考獲兩間大學的獎學金,並畢業於美國奧伯林學院, 主修小提琴演奏學士及耶魯大學,主修小提琴演奏碩士。
在音樂演奏和學習生涯裡,他曾多次以獨奏者身份與樂團演出,如澳門樂團、Kenwood 交響樂團(明尼阿波斯)、Interlochen 世界青年交響樂團。
在學期間,他在Milan Vitek的指導下,於奧伯林學院擔任樂團首席,演出林姆斯基‧高沙可夫的《天方夜譚》。
其後他在耶魯大學Yale University繼續學習,主修音樂演奏碩士,他在Syoko Aki指導下磨練樂器演奏技巧,令他的音樂事業擴展至作曲及指揮。其後,他獲得大提琴家Tom Rosenberg的指導下學習室樂,讓他邁向音樂事業之路。
他先後參加比賽獲獎;Masters Concerto and Aria Competition (Kenwood Symphony)及Maddy Award for outstanding violinist 獲得冠軍。
他曾與明尼蘇達管弦樂團、 東康乃狄克交響樂團、紐黑文交響樂團、澳門樂團 、耶魯愛樂和奧伯林管弦樂團等樂團演出,其演奏足跡美國、中國、澳門、奧地利、瑞士、匈牙利、捷克、台灣。
免費試堂 Free Trial Lesson
可致電 或電郵 or whatsapp 60930586
Professional Violin Teacher and Performer - Hong Kong
Private Violin Lesson Tutor Recommend
Bachelor of Music degree - Oberlin College Conservatory of Music, OH, U.S.
Master of Music degree - Yale University School of Music, CT, U.S.
Orchestral Performance Experience
Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra
Macao Orchestra
Minnesota Orchestra
New Haven Symphony
Gustav Mahler Orchestra
China Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra
Invited to Carl Nielsen International Competition - 2012
Participated in International Mozart Competition - 2011 Salzburg, Austria
Masters Concerto and Aria Competition winner (Kenwood Symphony) - MN, U.S.
Maddy Award for Outstanding Violinist winner - Interlochen Arts Camp, MI, U.S.
Violinist currently performs professionally as a member of the Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra, where he has acted as leader and soloist, and has performed extensively with professional ensembles in the United States, including the renowned Minnesota Orchestra and New Haven Symphony.
His performance credentials include a Bachelor’s degree from Oberlin College Conservatory and a Master’s degree from the Yale University School of Music, studying under professors Milan Vitek and Syoko Aki, respectively. During his studies he gained new experience serving as orchestra concertmaster, exploring diverse styles such as contemporary music and baroque performance, as well as broadening his reach into composition and conducting.
His achievement as a performer earned him invitations to compete at the highest level, in both the Carl Nielsen Violin Competition and the Mozart International Competition. Other distinctions include the Interlochen Arts Camp Maddy Award for Outstanding Violinist in 2004, as well as prizes and solo performances with orchestra resulting from the Interlochen Concerto Competition, and the Kenwood Symphony Masters Concerto and Aria Competition in Minneapolis, MN.
Aside from his performance career, he has cultivated a deep passion for music education, gaining several years of teaching experience in the US. Having honed a unique approach to instruction, he garnered both achievement and respect from his students. As testament to this success, he maintained a full schedule of up to 35 students of all ages, in addition to coaching chamber music ensembles.
Outside of music, his interests extend to many areas, including political/social science, economics, technology, philosophy, writing, dance and photography.
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