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Halloween Part & 美人魚

Halloween Party: Pirates ☠ Treasure Island Adventure

萬聖節派對:海賊 ☠️ 金銀島尋寶大冒險 👻

Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall 香港大會堂音樂廳

31st October 2021 (Sunday) 2:30pm

二零二一年十月三十一日 (星期日) 下午2:30

Tickets are now available at URBTIX 門票現於城市售票網發售

Ticket Price 票價: HK$280* HK$220* HK$160*

* Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above and people with disabilities and the minder: 30% off 全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士及殘疾人士及看護人可享七折優惠

Person below 3 years old not admitted 招待三歲以上人士

A Halloween Party with a wonderful pirates’ story will be presented by a live Symphony Orchestra for kids, adults and the elderly to enjoy. The orchestra will introduce the famous fairy tale of “Treasure Island” to the audience by performing famous pirates orchestral pieces from renowned composers, by storytelling in Cantonese and by projection of slides. There will be a special music programme at the last session of the show for the audience to experience difference genres of music.

Narrator: Mr. Brian Thomas Burrell

Audience is welcomed to wear Halloween costumes to our party.





Harry’s Magical Symphony: The Mermaid

Harry 哥哥的魔法交響:美人魚

Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall 香港文化中心音樂廳

7th November 2021 (Sunday) 2:30pm

二零二一年十一月七日 (星期日) 下午2:30

Tickets are now available at URBTIX 門票現於城市售票網發售

Ticket Price 票價: HK$280* HK$220* HK$160*

* Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above and people with disabilities and the minder: 30% off


Person below 3 years old not admitted


A Magical Symphonic Fairy Tales’ show will be presented by a live Symphony Orchestra with the renowned Artist Harry Wong for kids, adults and elderly to enjoy.

The orchestra will introduce the famous fairy tale of “The Mermaid” to the audience by the orchestral performance of renowned pieces, by Harry’s story-telling in Cantonese & magical performance, and by projection of slides.

Harry Wong is a renowned magician and M.C. for children’s television programmes.

There will be a special classical music programme at the last session of the show for the audience to enjoy.


現場樂團將會以演奏著名經典音樂丶Harry哥哥的童話故事敍述(粵語旁白) 丶Harry哥哥的魔術表演及幻燈片播放等方式,將經典故事《美人魚》帶給觀眾。




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